D-Day: The demolition has started

1 12 2011

The temporary security fence from Australian Temporary Fencing (ATF) Services went up yesterday morning.  The fence is required whilst demolition is in progress and will need to remain until the builders get on site.  When the building construction starts, the builders will setup their own fence.  So until then I will need to supply the fence to prevent people coming onto the property although it will just be a piece of dirt.  We organised a 9 month hire as we weren’t sure when the building construction will start and Christmas is only just over 3 weeks away.  There wasn’t much of a price difference between a 6 or 9 month hire (approx $50).  However, if you went for a 6 month hire and had to extend the cost would be significantly more.

The person who installed the fence seemed to be in a hurry to get to another job.  He didn’t set up the fence correctly on the left side of the property, although we were very explicit and clear where it should go.  There are bushes and trees which need to be removed on the other side (outside) of the fence.  We will now need to make sure the demolisher doesn’t forget to removes those as well.

Today was the first day the demolisher started work.  The roof tiles were removed and most of the garage has gone.  There was some additional asbestos in the eaves which were not obvious until the roof tiles were removed.  The demolition job may take a little longer than anticipated due to the additional asbestos.

Here are some initial progress pictures


Demoliton to start this week

28 11 2011

Got a phone call from our demolisher, VicWide Demolition that they will begin the demolition job this week. Yay! I quickly organised to have the temporary fencing to be put up. We obtained quotes from several fencing companies a few weeks back so all we had to do was to pick one of the cheaper quotes and go with it. In regards to fencing quotes, I found they all came in around the same price but its still worthwhile to ring around.

The turnaround to have the fencing delivered and installed is quick, usually around 24 hours. I ran in the morning and signed the paperwork by lunch time. Usually the cut off is 11am to have fencing put up the next day, but the office people were good and booked the fencing in for tomorrow.

Tonight, we need to go around and remove a tree we want to keep before the demolisher flattens the whole place.